Simply: Cute Sheep (S0015)Description: Cute little fluffy sheep drawn specially just for girls. Some may even think they look like white pigs. Any cute animals you want on the shoe? Give me the picture and I shall see what can I do about it.

Simply: Flying Sheep (S0016)A similar design to cute sheeps, this design depicts sheeps flying in the air. Count them as you go to sleep. Ha. (This design was done due to overwhelming response for the cute sheep design)

Simply: Grass Grazing Sheeps (S0017)Just like the flying sheeps, this was done due to overwhelming response as well. This are more mature looking sheeps compared to cute sheeps. ha. Any orders for sheep designs will have to be considered.

Simply: Clouds (S0018)Description: Just a basic painting of clouds in a clear blue sky. I added in the birds for fun. Simple clouds without birds are just as nice.