Price: $25 (Pumps)
$48.00 (Sneakers)
For customisation of other shoes: $30-$60

Simply: Hearts 3.0 (S0030)
This design is just like Hearts 2.0 just that the hearts do not overlap, giving it a simple look.
Price: $25 (Pumps)
$48.00 (Sneakers)
For customisation of other shoes: $30-$60

The design of Hearts 2.0 and 3.0 were also done on these shoes as a customer had requested. (Please note that simliar designs are done due to my secondary school fund raising project. I only allow certain designs to be repeated. Try doing them in other colours instead of the ones shown. Thank you very much)
Price: $25 (Pumps)
$48.00 (Sneakers)
For customisation of other shoes: $30-$60
Simply: Hearts 1.0 (S0023)Description: Version 1. Just plain hearts as you can see. This design was done together with the love design (below) in conjunction with Valentine's Day. Why not get your love one a pair of love shoes not only on Valentine's Day but on any day just to show that you love him/her.