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Simply: Stars 1.0 (S0033)
Description: This shoe was created in the midst of the funfair. It is demure and sweet looking. The shoe design showcases the simple tonal change in blue. This design had proven to be very popular, and so, more star designs have been created for my customers so that they are one of a kind.
Price: $22 (Pumps)
$45.00 (Sneakers)
For customisation of other shoes: $30-$60

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Simply: Stars 2.0 (S0034)
Description: As said earlier this was another star design made due to overwhelming response. This shoe shows the change in shade of blue from top to bottom. The stars added to the shoe together with glitter makes the shoe look even more glamorous.
Price: $25 (Pumps)
$45.00 (Sneakers)
For customisation of other shoes: $30-$60

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Simply: Stars 3.0 (S0035)
Description: Depicting tonal change of the sky again, it is done in another form of style. Glitter is also added to make the shoe more attractive as well as stars
Price: $25 (Pumps)
$45.00 (Sneakers)
For customisation of other shoes: $30-$60

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Simply: Stars 4.0 (S0036)
Description: This is actually the other side of stars 3.0. On this side, only glitter is added to represent the millions of stars God has created, showing how GOd great is and we as humans as just that tiny part of the universe. It gives a shoe a lower and quieter profile as well.
Price: $25 (Pumps)
$45.00 (Sneakers)
For customisation of other shoes: $30-$60