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Simply: Fire (S0038)
Description: As the desgin shows, flames of fire is what it is. Can you spot the difference? I have shown two different pairs of shoes on the top. The design may be the same but look closely and you can see that they are one of a kind because no tracing is used, unlike printing. This is one of another popular designs. It may not be done again. But you can do it in other colours. Changing the colours from yellow to orange to red may look simple but it is not an easy task. May this design light your life on fire.
Price: $25 (Pumps)
$45.00 (Sneakers)
For customisation of other shoes: $30-$60

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Simply: Daggers (S0037)
Description: This design derives from the blade series. Instead of just drawing a simple and basic blade, I made it to nicer and longer design which combines the different shapes of blades together, forming a dagger.
Price: $25 (Pumps)
$45.00 (Sneakers)
For customisation of other shoes: $30-$60

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket